Tuesday 5 January 2016

More "Testimonies" from Juice Plus

Recently Jenny has got back onto the wagon in line with her New Years resolution, declaring that she is back on the JP capsules and adding a booster drink to her lunches. She doesn't exactly mention what else is included in her lunches or what she eats on a daily basis. As such, it probably means these capsules and shakes will make no impact if Jenny continues to overeat.

Anyway, in the last week Jenny has posted two more testimonies to encourage people to take on the shakes. The first one isn't a stranger to my blog; it is Clara's before and after photos complete with a cringey message from Jenny:

I have already written about Clara in previous blogs as she appears to be the golden girl of the JP branch for this area. Basically she was overweight and lost it thanks to JP. She then, inspired by these products, got involved as a distributor,made barrel loads of money (which led to a big house, fancy car, early retirement for both herself and her husband) and is now determined to help other distributors achieve their dream of making big money in the franchise.

It's frankly rich that Jenny, who is obese, can dictate to people that there are "no excuses" for not losing weight. Yes, that's Jenny saying so. If Clara's only problems were maintaining a house and taking care of two children, then gosh what a poor hard done by little soul. There's working parents out there, many of whom are single, who have to work as well as take care of the kids and home and yet a number of them have no problem whatsoever in losing or maintaining a healthy weight. It's all to do with willpower. If Clara's only problems were that of a simple housewife then frankly it's shameful that she was even fat in the first place.

Jenny then linked to a testimony made by a man I shall call Dave. I'd do my usual quote-n-dissect routine but there's too much text, many of which doesn't really say anything. I'll just summarise Dave's key points.

Basically, Dave says he wants to address the concerns raised by the "pyramid scheme" that is JP. Right away he had my attention; was somebody finally going to explain how JP is not a scam? Well, sadly no, Dave doesn't address this issue.

He starts by saying that he is a level three nutritional PT, master PT and a GP referrel (?). Basically, look at me, I'm a fitness person. Dave then says this which should be a massive red flag to anyone:

"I don't understand science studies so I asked someone who did to check them out to which they said were VERY impressive."

Okay. So Dave, despite listing qualifications to make himself sound an authority on health and nutrition, couldn't understand the JP studies on the products. He got a mysterious person to read them for him, who were then impressed with the findings. Right okay, that definitely happened.

Regarding the sugar content in JP shakes Dave says:

"The "high" sugar content, we can all use lovely technical terms and explain things that go on inside the body but let me keep this simple.
It is from natral sources
If you picked a mango from a tree strawberries from a field you wouldn't know or worry about the grams of natural sugar"

That's not a "lovely technical term", it's plain English. High means "a lot of", sugar means sugar, "content" is what it contains. If you think that is difficult for the everyday person to understand then I dread to think of British standards of English.

The real issue however is when Dave says "you wouldn't know or worry about the grams of natural sugar". That's just an outright lie. 100 grams worth of mango has 14 grams of sugar; 100 grams of strawberries have 4.9 grams. I found that out in literally two minutes by doing a Google search.

Furthermore, you should be worrying about the amount of sugar you eat in your diet. Sugar is without doubt the worst offender for high calorie intake; that's why there is a nationally-recommended level for the amount men and women should eat in a day. That they come from fruit makes no difference - sugar is still sugar - and if you stuff your face with too much fruit, you'll still gain weight. You don't earn brownie points because the sugar so happened to come from an apple rather than a cake.

Deflecting the issue from the JP products to fruit also doesn't hide the fact that JP shakes still have sugar, so why Dave decided to talk about fruit is beyond me.

Dave then goes on a tangent about how the wonder JP products have helped his hair, nails etc - the usual spiel - so there is nothing much more to add here except that he doesn't remotely mention that JP products do not contain fibre like fruit does. As such people are wasting money by missing out on a natural suppressant that would help them feel fuller and less inclined to eat. That's why people like Jenny waste money on both the shakes and a "booster" product which does the same thing for much more.

To finish, it appears that Jenny probably didn't read the comments in Dave's post:

Why would Dave leave JP if it is so profitable that it can earn you six figures within two years? The mind wonders.


  1. To whoever posted on this blog,

    I apologise for deleting your comment. I did this not because I do not welcome your view, or a debate, but because I have decided to also make distributors as well as Jenny (not her real name) anonymous to protect their identities. All necessary edits have been made.

    That being said I do not believe I have been slanderous toward the distributor you named. The information regarding her has come from her own videos at JP conferences and Jenny's own assertions. I am aware that what Jenny said about Clara may not be true hence why I made qualifying comments "If Clara's only problems were..." to ensure I am not making any outright claims about her.

    If you have any specific concerns about the content of my blog then show me the content in question and I will examine them. I am all for ensuring as accurate information as possible but I will also not shirk from my right to express my view when people make claims about slander out of thin air.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Spam removed. Take this as an opportunity to defend your product and business model.
