Thursday 28 January 2016

More Magnificent Claims for Juice Plus Miracle Merch

Today, Jenny posted this. Nothing special, just a typical list of aliments and problems that JP can magically solve.

The question is: does Jenny have any qualifications or experience of health, nutrition and exercise?

Answer: no.

You don't even need to be an expert to know that many of those issues are related to each other, meaning by tweaking your diet and lifestyle choices you can address many of these issues at the same time. Notwithstanding "additional income" which is casually slipped in, but I cannot be bothered once again slamming JP's highly unethical business model. Let's address the other aspects one by one.

Weightloss. The number one issue distributors peddle JP products as solutions for. Yet, funnily enough, Jenny has never explained how JP helps weight loss. And I can't blame her, because the official JP channels do not make this implication because they know that, other than the booster product that fills you up with glucomannan which makes you less inclined to eat, there is no real solution to weight loss other than just putting down the fork. If you want to lose weight, eat less. It's that simple and you don't need to spend a penny on anything to do this.

Better sleep. This can be a legitimate problem that anybody could be dealing with. For others, it is simply down to poor life choices. Want to guess one of the biggest factors in sleeping problems? That's right - obesity. Something that can be addressed by simply eating less food.

Better skin and looking younger. I cannot comment on this because, unlike Jenny, I do not claim to have knowledge on things I am clueless about. Again, though, the heavier you are, the older you look.

Healthier. Can be down to many things. Perhaps you have a poor diet. Perhaps you don't exercise. Perhaps you smoke. Perhaps you don't bathe. Etc, etc, etc. It stems back to making healthier life choices which does not require spending money on needless JP products.

Mental alertness. See a pattern here? This can be resolved with a better sleeping routine. They all link together. Furthermore, this 2011 NHS report shows a strong link between obesity and poor mental health in teenagers and adults.

The irony in the rubbish Jenny posts is that a big influence on the aliments she posted is obesity. Jenny is obese. But she knows that the products she peddles are the solution to problems many people suffer from.

The number one thing to take home is if you have a condition - and I certainly appreciate that many, many people out there have conditions and obesity/being overweight is not the problem - then you go straight to a doctor. You do not talk to an uneducated hypocrite on the internet whose primary goal is not your health, but to make money.

This is one of the biggest bug bears I have with JP. Quality of reps, doesn't matter. Quality of products, doesn't matter. Just recruit, sell, make money, kerching - and give people who desperately want a solution to their health problems some false hope in the process.

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