Monday 22 February 2016

Jenny the "Senior Direct Distributor"

In recent weeks I kept putting off posting due to generally getting fatigued with Jenny's stupidity along with other things in life getting in the way. She has posted a number of typically moronic stuff, but tonight I decided to pick just one to talk about - and that is Jenny's apparent motivation to work her way up the JP ladder of success and big money.

Does anybody remember these? This was a UK promotion run by Kelloggs when the Simpsons was all over channel 4 and Sky TV. These were squirt rings that you got in cereal boxes; for kids, these were nifty little waterguns, whereas for parents and teachers they were little nightmares.

Jenny is apparently a "senior direct distributor" for JP. The next step? Sales co-ordinator. What is the difference? Do they get paid differently? How do you earn the promotion at all? Funnily enough, Jenny doesn't say.

I am sure you already know where I am going with this. These job titles are like cheap little squirt rings you get from cereal. They're not achievements, they're not earned, they're not unique. If I joined JP I have no doubt that I too would be a "senior direct distributor" after a couple of months of mediocre sales. As far as JP are concerned it is all about keeping the charade going so that people like Jenny believe they are well on their way to success.

And then you ask to look at the balance sheet. And then you realise Jenny makes hardly any money from this business. But it doesn't matter because she has a nifty new job title.

Also, in a previous post I wrongly said that the Birmingham JP convention is in April - that is false. It is actually this upcoming weekend in late February. Jenny has said nothing about the convention since the turn of the year - has the financial reality hit her? Possibly. We await with bated breath to see if Jenny spends hundreds of pounds of her own money to hear from the people she's paying how to make hundreds of pounds of money.

But hey, at least she got a Simpsons watergun out of it.

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