Thursday 24 December 2015

You've failed already, Jenny

This has got to be the saddest attempt at weight loss I have ever seen. Everything in there is just plain wrong.

1. "Once you over indulge" implies that it is inevitable that you are going to overeat this Christmas. That's simply not true. There is nothing stopping you from saying "no thanks" to an extra slice of Christmas pudding. Learn a little self-control.

2. This begs the question of what JP actually does to help people lose weight. Really, all someone needs to do to lose weight is to eat less. That's all there is to it. Simple changes that can help achieve this cost nothing - the one that springs to mind most of all is to cut out calory-dense drinks with water or sugar-free cola.

3. I have never understood why people wait until New Years day to make changes. There is nothing stopping you from making these changes right now. When I started my weight loss journey it began in late October 2014; by the time New Years day came along I already had two months worth of progress to motivate me into the year.

The above point is why I know already that Jenny's health kick is doomed to fail. She has absolutely no self-control, she has absolutely no motivation. Jenny will use the remaining week of 2015 to stuff her face with junk, knowing that her kick doesn't kick off until 2016. When it comes along, she'll struggle bad, she'll cheat on meals, she'll give up the gym, and then it's back to square one by February.

And in all that time, she'll be asking people to buy "healthy" JP junk and to listen to her weight loss advice. You couldn't make it up.

Facebook count: 538. Will we reach below 500? Time will tell, but I actually think we will.

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