Another cut 'n' paste job from Jenny. Let's start with "myths" which seem to have been made out of thin air:
"We don't eat... WRONG"; "We just drink juice all day"
Who has ever claimed that people who take JP don't eat and just drink juice?
"JP is just another shakes diet"
I agree, that's a myth. It's also a capsules and gummies scheme.
"You pile all the weight back on as soon as you stop"
First of all that's pretty disingenuous; it makes people assume off the bat that taking JP products make you lose weight. That is not the case. You will only lose weight if you eat less food that you currently take in, whether or not you use JP.
"The capsules are slimming tablets"
See my previous post. Jenny outright implied in the advert that JP capsules are slimming tablets.
"It's really bad for you"
Not the issue. The point of contention is that JP products are not the wonderful miracle products you claim they are.
"It hasn't got as much protein as whey protein"
How can you even make this claim when you don't tell us the specific whey protein product you are comparing JP to? Is it the brand of protein powder I use? You have no idea.
"They are vitamins"
The JP capsules are indeed multi-vitamins. Very piss poor multi-vitamins.
And now, the "facts". Oh goodie:
"✅ We eat lots of gorgeous food, it is not a starvation plan and recipes are provided for shakes, meals and snacks"
You can find any good recipe on the internet. JP is not needed to find recipes.
"✅ The shakes are not fruit juice, they contain the essence of 17 portions of fruit and veg in high nutritional powder form but are chocolate or vanilla flavour"
Here are the ingredients for the chocolate shake. I see barely any fruit in the ingredients nor can I even find a fruit-flavoured shake - only chocolate and vanilla.
"✅ JP is not just a diet, we have lots of products for the whole family which have very versatile uses, but they all boost your daily nutritional intake with massive benefits to your body"
They are mediocre multi-vitamins. I get 20 more vitamins in my cheap ass tablets than people get in JP products.
"✅ JP teaches you how to eat and live healthily with a clean eating plan, it is a change of lifestyle and very sustainable"
JP doesn't, the distributors do. Obese distributors like Jenny who know nothing about health and fitness.
"✅ The capsules contain the essence of 30 portions of fruit, veg and berries and they again massively boost your system through good nutrition, resulting in many benefits to the body"
We have already established that this is bunk. JP capsules have four - 4 - vitamins, that's it.
"✅ Erm... How can consuming more fruit and vegetables be bad for you???"
It isn't. That's why people, you know, should eat more fruit and vegetables. Not your overpriced substitute, but real, proper food.
"✅ JP is a whole food plant based supplement which is bioavailable it goes straight into your blood stream and is used efficiently by the body, unlike whey proteins."
I am not even going to pretend I can address this. I would gladly love to see a source for this from any distributor.
"If you want to feel amazing, get healthy and lose weight in the process...
Yal no what to doooooo "
Precisely: eat better, eat less and hit the gym - NOT consult copy-n-paste crap from distributors who know nothing about health and fitness.
Jenny's latest Facebook page number is at 507. Eight more people need to leave the group to each the sub-500 number. I reckon it'll be past that stage by Easter.
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